1 | 经营人寿保险代理业务的保险代理人,不得同时接受两个以上保险人的委托。 | Agents of insurance companies engaged in insurance of persons shall not accept delegation from more than one insurer concurrently. | |
2 | 经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,除分立、合并外,不得解散。 | Those insurance companies engaged in life insurance business shall not be dissolved, only divided or merged. | |
3 | 可以通过中国外汇交易中心进行境内外汇同业拆借。其他的境内保险公司不得从事外汇拆借活动。 | May carry out domestic interbank foreign exchange borrowing(lending)business through the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center. Other domestic insurance companies are prohibited from engaging in interbank foreign exchange borrowing (lending)activities. | |
4 | 另外一方面,一些保险公司对没有违反交通规则的人保险费率实施打折政策。 | On the other hand, some insurance companies offer discounts for drivers with clear records. | |
5 | 另一方面,会计原则规定这三家公司的股份若是有保险公司所持有,则其帐面价值应该要以其市场价格列示 | On the other hand, accounting rules provide that the carrying value of these three holdings-owned, as they are, by insurance companies -must be recorded on our balance sheet at current market prices. | |
6 | 论转型期我国保险公司的人力资源建设 | On Human Resources Development of Insurance Companies in the Transforming Period | |
7 | 每当查理跟我为Berkshire旗下的保险公司买进股票(扣除套利交易,后面会再详述),我们采取的态度就好象是我们买下的是一家私人企业一样 | Whenever Charlie and I buy common stocks for Berkshire’s insurance companies (leaving aside arbitrage purchases, discussed later)we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business. | |
8 | 美国对华服务贸易也在迅速发展,美国的保险公司、商业银行、商业、货代公司也已进入中国市场。 | US service trade with China has also registered rapid development. A number of American insurance companies , commercial banks, and commercial and trade agencies have entered China’s market | |
9 | 目前,中国已初步建立起由各类商业银行、证券公司和保险公司组成的数量众多、功能齐全的金融组织体系。 | At present, China has initially established a large number of fully functional financial organizational systems composed of various types of commercial banks and securities and insurance companies | |
10 | 您或为您的利益行事的任何人-包括您,您的代理人,您的雇员,您的保险公司及其代理人、雇员,您的律师,您的财会人员,您的调查人员以及为您利益行事的其他任何人。 | YOU OR ANYONE ACTION ON YOUR BEHALF includes you, your agents, your employees, your insurance companies , their agents, their employees, your attorneys, your accountants, your investigators, and anyone else acting on your behalf. | |
11 | 其余的投资资金则来自保险公司、银行、公司、富豪、外国投资者、大学或捐赠基金机构和私人基金会 | The remainder of investment funding is provided by insurance companies , Banks, corporations, wealthy individuals, foreign investors, university or institutional endowments and private foundations | |
12 | 去年在年报中详述刚通过的税负改革法案,使得保险公司支付的税负以递延渐进的形式大幅增加,这种情况在1987年更加恶化 | The taxes that insurance companies pay-which increased materially, though on a delayed basis, upon enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986-took a further turn for the worse at the end of 1987. | |
13 | 如今,在美国,保险公司的名字正名列最大企业名单的榜首。 | Now insurance companies are near the top of the list of the biggest business in the United States. | |
14 | 如研究制订外商投资银行、保险、旅行社、对外贸易、建筑、会计服务、音像制品分销、民用航空业、电信等领域的法律规范。 | Laws and regulations regarding foreign investment in banks, insurance companies , travel agencies, foreign trade companies, construction, accounting firms, distribution of AV products, civil aviation and telecommunication will be worked out. | |
15 | 三峡开发总公司在积极作好风险防范的同时,也十分注重向保险公司分散风险。 | While actively performing risk prevention, at the same time, the Three Gorges Development Corporation also greatly emphasizes to the role of insurance companies in mitigating risks | |
16 | 随着外资保险公司和外资银行纷纷抢滩中国市场,尽快把业务做大做强,提高金融企业核心竞争力就显得迫在眉睫。 | with foreign-funded insurance companies and foreign-funded banks embarking on Chinese markets, it becomes increasingly imperative to make the bancassurance business bigger, stronger and to improve core competitiveness of financing enterprises. | |
17 | 随着我国加入世贸组织及国民经济结构性调整的逐步深化,银保合作还存在着较多问题没有解决 | With China’s entry into WTO and structural adjustment of national economy going into depth, many problems remain unsolved for the cooperation between banks and insurance companies . | |
18 | 所有外国商业银行、保险公司、管理基金、证交所以及其它投资者,如果想在台湾交易上市证券、衍生工具、固定收益和货币市场工具等金融产品,必须持有QFII许可证。 | A QFII license is required for all foreign commercial banks, insurance companies , fund managers, securities houses and other investment companies that wish to trade in listed securities, derivatives, fixed income and money market instruments in Taiwan. | |
19 | 它们有些是隶属于保险公司的大型专业机构,有些是独立机构,有些是大学的附属部门,有些则是自行创业的专业人士. | For example some are large practices owned by insurance companies , some are independent businesses, some are university departments and some are sole traders working from home. | |
20 | 它有哈特福德的保险公司的庞大的储备资金。 | It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of hartford | |
21 | 通过向银行或保险公司签发应付票据进行的长期筹资,只能给企业提供有限的资金。 | Long-term financing by issuing notes payable to banks or to insurance companies can provide corporations with only a limited amount of funds. | |
22 | 外资企业的各项保险应当向中国境内的保险公司投保。 | Enterprises with foreign capital shall apply to insurance companies in China for such kinds of insurance coverage as are needed. | |
23 | 为增强保险公司外汇资金的流动性,提高保险公司外汇偿付能力 | In order to boost up the fluidity of the foreign exchange capitals of the insurance companies , and improve the solvency of foreign exchange of the insurance companies | |
24 | 我国保险公司治理模式的选择 | Toward the Governance Pattern of Insurance Companies in China | |
25 | 我国寿险公司利差损实证研究 | An Empirical Research on the Difference between the Interest Rate Guarantees and the Real Interest Rate of Insurance Companies in China | |
26 | 我国银保合作的现状,问题和发展途径. | Problem, Status Quo and development alternatives for cooperation between banks and insurance companies . | |
27 | 我们觉得今天的保险公司都很大,但在200年前的英国,也有一家相当大的保险公司。这家名叫Lloyd’s of London的保险公司至今仍在营业 | We think today’s insurance companies are large,but there was also a pretty big company about two hundred years ago in England.The company still does business.The name of the company is Lloyd’s of London. | |
28 | 严格监督保险公司的外汇同业拆借活动 | And strictly supervise the interbank foreign exchange borrowing (lending)activities of the insurance companies | |
29 | 要不是因为我们旗下保险公司的财务实力雄厚,我们实在不太适合去买这种已发生问题的债券 | Were it not for the extraordinarily strong capital position of our insurance companies , it would be inappropriate for us to buy defaulted bonds. | |
30 | 由洪水造成的经济损失通常由地方政府提供财政支持,保险公司加以赔偿,但仅有这些是不够的。 | The financial damage caused by floods usually exceeds the allocated budget of local governments and insurance companies . |