属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
1 | (指船或飞行器)在水上或在空中颠簸 | (of a ship or an aircraft)move up and down on the water or in the air | |
2 | 布隆伯格商业新闻社的创始人,现任纽约市市长的迈克·布隆伯格去年秋天为他的首次政治竞选投入了7000万美元的个人资金。加之其它方面的损失,布隆伯格去年个人资产总共减少了1个亿,降至44亿,但他仍排到了72位,比去年上升了10位。 | New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, founder of the financial information company Bloomberg, spent ’ 70 million of his own money to win his first political campaign last fall. Still, he saw his ranking move up 10 places to No. 72, despite losing a total of ’ 100 million to have assets of ’ 4.4 billion. | |
3 | 传动轴有接头,就像人的手臂和腿关节一样,当汽车在高低不平的地方行驶时,接头可使传动轴上下移动。 | The driveshaft has joints, just as your arms and legs have. The joints allow the shaft to move up and down as the wheels go over bumps. | |
4 | 当车辆行使在路面上时,弹性元件会进一步地伸缩,这使车轮能时时独立于车架做上下运动。 | The springs will further compress or expand as the car wheels encounter irregularities in the road. Thus, the wheels can move up and down somewhat independently of the frame. | |
5 | 当利率上调一个点时 | When interest rates move up a tick. | |
6 | 当你沿着海滩路走向芭堤雅中部、北部及附近的Naklua海滩时,那种尽情狂欢的热度就会逐渐降温。 | The frenzied merrymaking diminishes as you move up the beach road to central and north Pattaya, and to neighboring Naklua beach | |
7 | 当凸轮轴转动时,凸轮凸角转到气门挺杆下面,使挺杆上举,挺杆推动推杆。当推杆升起时,摇臂的端部向上移动。 | As the camshaft turns, the cam lobe comes around under the valve lifter. This raises the lifter, which in turn pushes upward on the push rod. The push rod, as it is lifted, causes the end of the rocker arm to move up . | |
8 | 工作台可左右或里外移动,轴可上下或里外移动,定位精度在40英寸的移程中小于0.003英寸。 | The table can move left/right or in/out and the spindle can move up /down or in/out, with positioning accuracy in the range of 0.0003 in. in 40 in. of travel. | |
9 | 例如,很多人都认识由工程师出身,随后取得商业管理硕士学位,并晋身管理层的朋友。 | Many of us know engineers, for instance, who’ve gone on to do their MBA and then move up the management ladder. | |
10 | 前轮不仅要相对车架做上下运动(由于弹簧作用),而且在转向时能够相对车架做各种角度的摆动。 | Not only must the front wheels move up and down with respect to the car frame (for spring action), But also they must be able to swing at various angles to the car frame for steering. | |
11 | 前轮颠簸,也称为高速摆振:这种情况是由于前轮上下交替运动所引起的。 | Front-wheel tramp, also called high-speed shimmy. This condition causes the front wheels to move up and down alternately. | |
12 | 请挪动一下。 | Please move up a little. | |
13 | 请挪过去一点,你占了大半张凳子啦。 | Move up , please; you are taking up more than half the bench. | |
14 | 上下摆动弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的花朵 | To sway,move up and down,or droop,as flowers in the wind. | |
15 | 上下或往复移动 | Move up and down or to and fro | |
16 | 稍微向上挪一下. | Move up a bit. | |
17 | 使用“上移”和“下移”按钮将“安全性”命令定位于所需的位置。 | Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to position the Security command where you want. | |
18 | 使用独立悬架,每个车轮都可以自由地上下运动,几乎不受另一车轮的影响,而且车架的扭动也会大大减少。 | With independent suspension, each wheel is free to move up and down with minimum (least attainable)effect on the other wheel. There is also far less twisting motion imposed on the frame. | |
19 | 视生处高,无迎水流,此处水上之军也。 | Moor your craft higher up than the enemy, and facing the sun. Do not move up -stream to meet the enemy. So much for river warfare. | |
20 | 往前,前边空地方多着呢。 | Move up , there’s plenty of room at the front. | |
21 | 以35分的总分升至排行榜第三位 | move up to the third place on 35 points | |
22 | 由于基本条件的变化,这些沙洲可以向上移动到滨线或海滩上部。 | Depending on prevailing conditions, these bars may move up the upper part of the shoreline and beach | |
23 | 于民国九十一年,由于全球的业务量,台积公司是第一家进入半导体产业前十名的晶圆代工公司,其排名为第九名。台积公司预期在未来的数年内,这个趋势将会持续的攀升。 | In 2002, TSMC became the first semiconductor foundry to enter the ranks of the top 10 IC companies in terms of worldwide sales, claiming the ninth spot. TSMC anticipates this trend will continue as the company continues to move up the list for the next several years. | |
24 | 在桌面区域中,将显示器设置为800x600或更高;点击确认;如您无法看到整个页面,上下拖动屏幕右方的滚动条即可。 | In the Desktop Area section, reset your monitor’s display to 800 by 600 or greater ;Click OK; If you can’t see the entire page from top to bottom, simply use the scroll bar at the right of your screen to move up and down. | |
25 | 这使温斯顿模糊地想起很久很久以前在墙上或者广告牌上看到过的什么东西--用电灯泡组成的一只大酒瓶,瓶口能上下移动,把瓶里的酒倒到杯子里。 | It aroused in Winston dim memories of something seen long ago on a wall or a hoarding--a vast bottle composed of electric lights which seemed to move up and down and pour its contents into a glass | |
26 | 这是个在公司里升迁的机会。 | This is an opportunity to move up in the company. | |
27 | 最后,人们必须以不同的方式进行思维,因此,新一代领导人崭露头角并进入领导岗位,今天的领导人退休和离开领导岗位,都将需要时间。 | And finally, the people have to think differently, so it will take time for new generations of leadrs to emerge and move up in the structure, and for today’s leaders to retire and leave | |
28 | ||1:1月18日,蒙蒂在伦敦证券交易所对一名在场观众说道:“遵守财政纪律是保证经济增长的必要条件,然而,只有这一个条件是不够的。”||2:他将向默克尔和萨科齐表示,欧盟不能再仅仅依赖于紧缩方案,而应采取一些刺激增长的措施。||3:而这正是标准普尔反复提到的观点一致——标普是一家评级机构,它在1月13日下调了包括意大利在内的9个欧元区国家的信用等级。||4:与欧盟委员会以及同样被降级的法国同僚不同,蒙蒂并未指责标普:事实上,他认同很多标普所做的分析。 | ||1: “Adherence to fiscal discipline is a necessary condition for growth,” he told an audience at the London Stock Exchange on January 18th. “It is not however a sufficient condition.” ||2: His message to Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy is that the EU must move from reliance only on austerity towards some growth-stimulating measures. ||3: This was a view repeated by Standard & Poor’s, the rating agency that downgraded nine euro-zone countries, including Italy, on January 13th. ||4: Unlike his colleague from France, also downgraded, and the European Commission, Mr Monti did not criticise S&P: indeed, he shared much of its analysis. | |
29 | ||1:白宫开始进行反击。在对被指控参与谋划9/11恐怖袭击的恐怖分子是否应该在联邦法庭上就审这个问题上,一举击败企图阻挠的势力。||2:紧接着的举动震惊了所有人。||3:在2009年9月,总检察官埃里克.赫德宣布哈立德?谢赫?穆罕默德和他的四名同谋者将在麦哈顿接受正义的审批。||4:它将向世人表明,即使是关塔那摩战俘营中最棘手的案件,美国民政法庭也有能力处理。||5:但仅仅两个月后,出于安全考虑的巨大忧虑以及不断增长政治压力,这一设想不得不草草收场,不了了之。||6:又一次,政府当局对自己制定的政策没有充分考量,低估了在政治上的挑战和移交转移的难度。 | ||1:The White House fought back, defeating an effort aimed at stopping the government from putting the alleged architects of 9/11 on trial in federal court.||2:Then came its boldest move.||3:In November 2009 Eric Holder, the attorney general, announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four co-conspirators would face justice in Manhattan.||4:The trial would show that America’s civilian courts could handle even Guantánamo’s worst.||5:But just two months later, amid mounting security concerns and rising political pressure, the effort fell apart.||6:Once again, the administration had underestimated the political and logistical challenges posed by its policies. | |
30 | ||1:当国家气象局的风暴警报来临时,市街道和卫生部的长官汤姆?贝恩在屏幕上看到它从邻市向芝加哥逼近,就在芝加哥的最边缘。||2:这样会使他准确掌握风暴会什么时间在什么地点降临。||3:误读意味着引起骚乱,甚至会出现事故。||4:但是不必要地或过早的派出行动小组会令这个城市每个小时浪费四万美元。 | ||1:After a storm warning comes in from the National Weather Service, Tom Byrne, the commissioner of the city’s Streets and Sanitation Department, watches it move in on cameras in nearby states and at the four outermost corners of Chicago.||2:This tells him exactly when and where the storm will hit.||3:Getting it wrong means chaos on the roads and possibly accidents.||4:But sending teams out needlessly or too early costs the city $40,000 an hour. |