属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-又一个希腊?The new Greece?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德里之死 Death in Delhi
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-势利之国 Snob Nation
1 | 下面的标题前几天出现在伦敦的一张小报上:“中国人现在热衷于(或深信)市场经济的优点。” | The following headline appeared in a London tabloid the other day: "The Chinese are sold on the market economy nowadays." | |
2 | 新闻标题:报纸编辑常用名词,指页首或一段文字上端的单行或多行字句。 | Headline : A term used in journalism to mean a line or lines of types at the top of a page or a piece of text. | |
3 | 星期一,在总值1120万元的美国公开赛首轮比赛中,1号种子、卫冕冠军彼特·桑普拉斯和2号种子莫妮卡·塞莱斯成为主要新闻人物。 | Top seed and defending champion Pete Sampras and second-seeded Monica Seles will headline Monday’s first-round action at the $10.12 million US Open Tennis Championships. | |
4 | 悬行缩排:内文及标题排字的一种格式。第一行全长顶格,以后各行缩入一固定距离。 | Hanging indention: Style for body and headline composition in which the first line is set full measure and all succeeding lines are indented an identical distance at the left. | |
5 | 摇滚乐名星与名模儿联姻(如标题字样). | Rock star to wed top model,eg as a headline | |
6 | 伊芙朵吉雅与丈夫孚拉吉米两人在一九五四年四月三日变节投诚,酿成国际重大事件,导致澳洲宣布与前苏联断绝外交关系。 | Evdokia and her husband Vladimir defected on April 3rd, 1954, making a big international headline and leading to Australia’s announcement of the severing of diplomatic ties with the former Soviet Union | |
7 | 有标题特点的“A与/和B”格式 | On the Forms of "A yu/he B" Used as Headline | |
8 | 在(报纸)头版出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。 | A bold black headline screamed out from the front page. | |
9 | 在(报纸的)头版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。 | A bold black headline screamed out from the front page. | |
10 | 这个象征性的抗议活动发生在这家小报在头版头条位置刊登了一条骇人听闻的消息《刺杀总理的阴谋》后一周,从新年开始一直持续到现在。 | The symbolic protests have been held every evening since New Year’s Eve. That was the week after the tabloid daily paper ran a frontpage splash story under the headline "Plot to Kill PM". | |
11 | 这一切都源于各大媒体对于那只惊人的母羊所进行的大肆报道和渲染,于是生育专家们开始日复一日地面对这些问题了:我们两岁的女儿在车祸中死去了,我们在一本婴儿书里保留了她的一绺头发,你能克隆她吗? | All it took was that first headline about the astonishing ewe, and fertility experts began to hear the questions every day:Our two-year-old daughter died in a car crash; we saved a lock of her hair in a baby book,can you clone her? | |
12 | 整体标题通货膨胀数字一直保持在一个较低的水平,而三月份0.5%的通货膨胀率是近几个月来最高的。 | Overall headline inflation figures remain low: the 0.5% figure recorded in March was among the highest in recent months | |
13 | ||1:美国的各大银行发布了第二季度的营收。||2:数据显示营收有所上涨,部分原因是运营和诉讼费用的减少。||3:摩根大通公司的净收入增长了31%,达到65亿美元;美国银行的利润增加了63%之多,达到了40亿美元;花旗银行的季度利润达到了42亿美元,是自从2007年至今的最好业绩。||4:高盛的收入翻番,达到了19亿美元。||5:但是随着对银行业未来增长前景的看衰,利润减少以及管理费用的增加,投资者并没有为之所动。 | ||1: America’s big banks reported earnings for the second quarter. ||2: The headline figures looked buoyant, partly because of lower operational and litigation costs. ||3: Net income at JPMorgan Chase rose by 31% to $6.5 billion; Bank of America’s profit was up by 63% to $4 billion; and Citigroup’s quarterly profit of $4.2 billion was its best since 2007. ||4: Goldman Sachs saw income double to $1.9 billion. ||5: But with the outlook for growth subdued in the banking industry, margins down and more costly regulations coming in, investors were unimpressed. | |
14 | ||1:欧元危机悬而未决,高油价又令世界经济为之头痛。||2:在汇丰银行分析师最近的报道中,头条便是“原油成为又一个希腊”,这种担忧是可以理解的。||3:国际原油市场变幻莫测,伊朗局势依然紧张。据一家伊朗媒体报道,一次爆炸损坏了沙特阿拉伯一条至关重要的石油管道。布伦特原油价格应声上扬,三月一号每桶价格暴涨到128美元,涨幅超过5美元。||4:随后沙特当局否认了这一报道,价格出现一定回落,但依然高达125美元,原油价格较年初上涨16%。 | ||1: WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy. ||2: “Oil is the new Greece” is a typical headline on a recent report by HSBC analysts. ||3: The fear is understandable. Oil markets are edgy; tensions with Iran are high. The price of Brent crude shot up by more than $5 a barrel on March 1st, to $128, after an Iranian press report that explosions had destroyed a vital Saudi Arabian oil pipeline. ||4: It fell back after the Saudis denied the claim, but at $125, crude is still 16% costlier than at the start of the year. | |
15 | ||1:情节发展至此,令人心灰意冷。不过在萨布丽娜失败之处,印度的第四等级(新闻界)却赢得了胜利。||2:本片片名源于审判时一份讽刺报纸的大标题,以此评论证人们可疑的失忆。||3:在无罪宣判之后,记者令那些曾在法庭上作证之人在事实上承认了自己作伪证一事。||4:他们也帮助人们在新德里的核心地带——印度门组织了一场烛光抗议活动,当地公民(即德里人,Dilli-wallahs)要求“为杰西卡伸张正义”,并改革印度的法律体系。||5: 众目睽睽之下感到羞耻的法庭,最终在2006年判决被告摩奴·沙玛(Manu Sharma)有罪,并判处其终身监禁。 | ||1: So far, so discouraging. But where Sabrina failed, India’s fourth estate won out. ||2: The film’s title is from a sarcastic newspaper headline at the time of the trial, commenting on the witnesses’ suspicious amnesia. ||3: After the acquittal, journalists got those who had been on the stand to admit, in effect, to their perjury. ||4: They also helped to organise a candlelight protest at India Gate, the heart of New Delhi, where local citizens, Dilli-wallahs, demanded “justice for Jessica” and reform of India’s legal system. ||5: Shamed by the attention, the courts at last in 2006 convicted Manu Sharma, the accused, and sentenced him to life in prison. | |
16 | ||1:随着欧元危机的缓解,高油价成了世界经济的新忧虑之源。||2:“石油就是新的希腊”这一代表性的题目出现在了汇丰的分析员最近的一份报告中。||3:恐慌是可以理解的,伊朗局势很紧张,原有市场命悬一线。||4:三月一号,伊朗媒体报道了爆炸摧毁了沙特阿拉伯一条重要的输油管道后,布伦特原油价格窜升到了128美元,每桶涨了5美元多。||5:之后沙特否认了该说法,油价又跌到了125美元,不过这仍比年初贵16%。 | ||1: WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy. ||2: “Oil is the new Greece” is a typical headline on a recent report by HSBC analysts. ||3: The fear is understandable. Oil markets are edgy; tensions with Iran are high. ||4: The price of Brent crude shot up by more than $5 a barrel on March 1st, to $128, after an Iranian press report that explosions had destroyed a vital Saudi Arabian oil pipeline. ||5: It fell back after the Saudis denied the claim, but at $125, crude is still 16% costlier than at the start of the year. | |
17 | ||1:这一趋势使得经济复苏最核心之谜浮出水面:人们放弃劳动之谜。||2:2007年适龄劳动人口中工作或正在求职的比例(参与率)为66%,而到了今年一月份,这一比例下降到了64%,这是占据报纸头版头条的失业率下降的主要原因。||3:进入劳动力市场的人越少,被统计的求职人员也就越少。 | ||1: This trend sheds light on one of the central mysteries of the recovery: why so many people have left the labour force. ||2: The proportion of the working-age population that is working or looking for work (the participation rate) has fallen from 66% in 2007 to below 64% in January. This has been an important part of the reduction in the headline unemployment figure. ||3: With fewer people entering the labour force, there are fewer job hunters to be counted as unemployed. | |
18 | “美国媒体报道姚明已经决定退役,中国巨人要和NBA说再见了”腾讯体育头条这样写道。 | "The U. S. media say Yao has formally decided to retire, Chinese superstar says goodbye to NBA, " reads the headline of Tencent Sports. | |
19 | “石油将成为下一个希腊”作为一个典型的头条出现在汇丰银行的分析报告上。 | "Oil is the new Greece" is a typical headline on a recent report by HSBC analysts. | |
20 | “投资者开始烦躁不景气状况下的物价上涨更新的威胁,”在今天的金融时报上的一个大字标题说。 | "Investors start to fret over renewed threat of stagflation, " says a headline in today’s Financial Times. | |
21 | “尤文强于国米”,《米兰体育报》的头版头条写道,但并没有表扬任何人。 | "More Juve than Inter" , reads Gazzetta dello Sport’s front-page headline , somehow managing not to really praise anyone. | |
22 | 《明报》头版头条报道:“菲律宾警方失职”。 | The front-page headline of the local Ming Pao Daily News declared: "Filipino police incompetent. " | |
23 | 《洋葱》杂志(TheOnion)最近的一个新闻标题一如往昔,还是那么的一针见血:“这个深受衰退困扰的国家需要新泡沫来投资。” | The Onion, as usual, hit the nail on the head with its recent headline : "Recession-plagued nation demands new bubble to invest in. " | |
24 | 《再见伊拉克,祝好运》是汤姆·弗里德曼的(TomFriedman)《纽约时报》专栏的在周二的标题。 | "Goodbye, Iraq, and good luck" was the headline on Tom Friedman’s column in Tuesday’s New York Times. | |
25 | 1998年,他在自己以前效力过的报纸的头条发表了一篇文章:《跳忠字的小女孩你在哪里》。 | In 1998, he wrote an article for his former newspaper under the headline , "Where Are You, Little Girl Who Performed the Loyalty Dance? " | |
26 | 2009年夏天,中国互联网上出现了一条奇怪的新闻,标题是“薄说:重庆需要十个L!” | In the summer of 2009, an odd news report appeared on the Chinese internet with the headline "Bo Xilai Says: Chongqing Needs Ten Li Hua’s! " | |
27 | 8月,《纽约时报》刊登了一篇题为“一次旅行的最糟糕部分也许就是网上预订”的报道。 | In August the New York Times ran a report entitled under a headline "the worst part of a trip may be booking it on the web. " | |
28 | CBS新闻网头条写到“泰格的新广告大打亲情牌”。 | "New Tiger Ad Plays ’The Daddy Death Card, ’ " read a headline on the CBS News website. | |
29 | CBS在头条新闻中粗略的提到了这项研究,称服用避孕药的女性都选择了“错误的伴侣”。 | As one CBS headline crudely puts it, women on the pill allegedly choose "the wrong partner. " | |
30 | MrJonesBook最初是被设计成印刷体家族中的一员,包括asans和标题。 | Mr Jones was originally conceived as a family for print design, consisting of a sans and a headline . |